The following vignettes describe the circumstances for killings not ruled self-defense by private individuals with permits to carry concealed handguns. The incidents below all occurred in California. The descriptions include the current, known status of any charges filed against the concealed carry killer as reported by news sources as well as noting instances where the perpetrator committed suicide.
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Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Craig Sumer Elliot PENDING
Date: September 28, 2023
People Killed: 1
Circumstances: On September 28, 2023, concealed carry permit holder Craig Sumer Elliot, 68, allegedly shot and killed Antonio Garcia Avalos, 40, after an altercation on a sidewalk. According to prosecutors, Elliot was jogging with his two dogs while pushing a pushcart at around 3:00 PM when he encountered Avalos, who was sleeping on the ground. Elliot bumped Avalos with his cart in an attempt to wake him up, after which Avalos woke up and yelled for Elliot to stay away from him. Video taken by Elliot showed that Avalos stood up and threw a shoe at Elliot. Elliot ducked to avoid the shoe, retrieved a handgun from his pushcart, and allegedly shot Avalos three times, resulting in fatal injuries. Elliot was charged with voluntary manslaughter with a felony enhancement for personal use of a firearm and faces up to 21 years in prison if convicted.
Source: “Garden Grove man charged in deadly shooting of homeless man who threw shoe at him,”, November 21, 2023; “Garden Grove man charged with voluntary manslaughter for shooting, killing homeless man who was blocking sidewalk while sleeping,” Office of the District Attorney, Orange County, California, November 20, 2023.
Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: John Snowling SHOT AND KILLED DURING INCIDENT
Date: August 23, 2023
People Killed: 4 (including shooter)
Circumstances: On August 23, 2023, concealed carry permit holder John Snowling, 59, shot and killed three people and wounded six others at Cook’s Corner Bar in Trabuco Canyon. Snowling had been a member of the Ventura Police Department from July 1986 to February 2014 when he retired as a sergeant. The incident took place at around 7:00 PM during an evening of live music and an $8 Spaghetti Night special at the bar. According to law enforcement, Snowling targeted his estranged wife, who was injured in the shooting. Betty Fruichantie, a friend of Snowling’s estranged wife, accompanied her to the bar that evening. She said, “We were sitting there listening to the band and all of sudden, from behind us, we hear shooting. A bunch of shooting…I thought it was just firecrackers, she didn’t say anything. People were getting shot.” Fruichantie said Snowling made his way toward them and began shooting. According to police, Snowling entered the bar with two handguns. He then went back to his truck where he retrieved a third handgun and a shotgun, which he fired at law enforcement when they arrived before he was killed. All of Snowling’s weapons were acquired legally.
Source: “OC bar shooter who killed 3 identified as an ex-SoCal police officer,”, August 25, 2023; “Who’s the retired Ventura sergeant tied to the O.C. bar shooting? Here’s what we know,”, August 24, 2023.
Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Jeffrey Ferguson PENDING
Date: August 3, 2023
People Killed: 1
Circumstances: On August 3, 2023, concealed carry permit holder Jeffrey Ferguson, 72, allegedly shot and killed his wife Sheryl Ferguson, 65, following an argument in their home. According to prosecutors, the Fergusons had an argument about finances at a restaurant, where Jeffrey Ferguson made a gun gesture with his hands. After they returned home, they began watching Breaking Bad on television. The argument continued and Sheryl Ferguson said something to the effect of ,“Why don’t you point a real gun at me?” Jeffrey Ferguson then pulled a pistol from his ankle holster and shot her in the chest. After the shooting, Jeffrey Ferguson, who is an Orange County Superior Court Judge, texted his court clerk and bailiff and said, “I just lost it. I just shot my wife. I won’t be in tomorrow. I will be in custody. I’m so sorry.” The Fergusons’ adult son reported the shooting to police and claimed that his father was drunk. When officers arrived at the scene, they reported that Jeffrey Ferguson was outside saying “shoot me, shoot me.” They claim that he smelled of alcohol and appeared in shock. According to one officer, Ferguson “spontaneously stated, and used the words ‘I just killed my wife.’” According to prosecutors, police recovered 47 weapons, including rifles, shotguns, and handguns, and more than 26,000 rounds of ammunition from Ferguson’s home. Ferguson was charged with felony murder with two felony enhancements for personal use of a firearm and discharge of a firearm causing great bodily injury and death. A preliminary hearing in June 2024 found there was sufficient evidence for the case to proceed, and Ferguson remained free on a $1 million bond and is required to wear monitoring devices for GPS and alcohol content. On the renewal form for his permit to carry, Ferguson had stated, “I wish to renew my CCW (Concealed Carry Weapon permit) for self-protection and protection of my immediate family due to my current, ongoing and past service in Orange County.”
Source: “Orange County judge can stand trial for murder in wife’s shooting death, judge says,” Associated Press, June 20, 2024; “Orange County judge accused of murdering wife wanted his concealed weapon permit to protect family,” Orange County Register, August 29, 2023; “O.C. judge confessed to coworkers after fatally shooting wife, prosecutors say,”, August 11, 2023.
Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Jeremy Don Fennell CONVICTED
Date: March 15, 2019
People Killed: 1
Circumstances: On March 15, 2019, concealed handgun permit holder Jeremy Don Fennell, 38, shot and killed Lawrence Walker, 25, following an argument in the parking area behind the Sin Cal Industries tattoo and body piercing shop. Walker and his wife Jessica Estrada, who were experiencing homelessness, were sitting on the curb behind the tattoo business when Fennell arrived at work. According to trial testimony, Fennell parked in the stall where Walker was seated, and got out of his vehicle with a gun wrapped in a sweatshirt and approached the couple. Estrada testified that Fennell was immediately aggressive and said, “You need to get your homeless s— and get the f— out of here.” Fennell testified that he informed the couple that they would be open for business soon and asked them to take their belongings and leave. He claimed that the couple began shouting profanities at him and that Walker “popped up” from the ground and came toward him. Fennell claimed he acted in self defense, firing once when Walker stepped off the curb. The Chief Deputy District Attorney said that Fennell had an unreasonable justification for shooting Walker based on stereotypes about homeless people with drug addictions. In statements to police and on social media posts before the shooting, Fennell called homeless people “druggie bush people” and said they carry diseases and are less than human. In one social media post he wrote, “If we can not kill them all like we can other pests then we must not feed the wild drug addicts.” In December 2020, Fennell was convicted of second degree murder and a gun enhancement. On May 18, 2021, Fennel was sentenced to 15 years to life for second degree murder and 25 years to life for the gun enhancement, for a total of 40 years to life in prison.
Source: “Modesto business owner was convicted of killing homeless man. Judge gave him 40 years,” Modesto Bee, May 19, 2021.
Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Richard Vithya Tauch CONVICTED
Date: January 19, 2010
People Killed: 2
Circumstances: On January 19, 2010, Richard Vithya Tauch allegedly shot and killed his ex-girlfriend Jenny Van Sor and her new boyfriend Wen Chao. The shooting occurred at the senior facility where Chao’s father lived. Tauch had a permit to carry a firearm as a security guard. Tauch was booked for investigation of the double murder and held in lieu of $1 million bail.
UPDATE: On November 19, 2013, Richard Vithya Tauch was found guilty of two counts of first degree murder in the deaths of Jenny Van Sor and Wenwa Chao. On June 19, 2014, Tauch was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Source: “Corona man sentenced to life in prison,” Los Angeles Times, June 20, 2014; “Man accused of gunning down ex-girlfriend and companion in Monterey Park senior housing complex,” Los Angeles Times, January 20, 2010.
Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: James Thomas Boll CONVICTED
Date: December 18, 2009
People Killed: 1
Circumstances: On December 18, 2009, concealed handgun permit holder James Thomas Boll, 68, shot and killed Charles John Morrison, 48, his neighbor at the Mount Vista Mobile and RV Park. Boll fired at Morrison 15 times with a 45 caliber pistol, hitting him with 11 rounds. Aiming at his head and center of his body, Boll stopped to reload after firing his first eight shots, and continued shooting Morrison as he lay on the ground. Conflict between the two men had been building for months. Morrison had parked his trailer on a space formerly used by Boll, an “avid cat lover.” He soon found 30 to 40 cats frequently defecating around the trailer, having become accustomed to visiting it when Boll occupied the space. Morrison reportedly told Boll that he hated cats and would shoot them. Boll’s efforts to clean up around Morrison’s trailer led to an additional confrontation when Morrison accused Boll of spying on his girlfriend through a trailer window. The triggering event occurred when Morrison left his truck running in the space between the two men’s trailers. The exhaust set off Boll’s carbon monoxide detector, leading him to claim that Morrison “…almost got away with the perfect murder.” The shooting occurred when Boll left his trailer to confront Morrison over the idling truck. Boll was found guilty of second-degree murder and faces a possible 40 years to life in prison.
Source: “Man found guilty of murder in shooting,”, September 7, 2011; “Man charged in shooting takes stand,”, September 2, 2011.
Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Thomas Crenshaw Smith CONVICTED
Date: July 30, 2009
People Killed: 1
Circumstances: On July 30, 2009, concealed handgun permit holder Thomas Crenshaw Smith, 68, shot and killed his son Joshua Smith, 26, following an argument in their home. According to Smith’s wife Victoria, the father and son were “kind of putting each other down” and saying hurtful things to each other. At one point, Thomas Smith left the room, and Victoria and Joshua Smith heard a “pop.” They went down the hall to investigate and noticed a hole in the ceiling. Thomas Smith was holding a gun to his head, telling Joshua to “pull the trigger.” Joshua replied, “No, dad, I can’t, I love you.” After both men turned to walk away, Thomas Smith fired one shot, hitting Joshua in the right side of his chest, killing him. On July 22, 2010, Thomas Smith was found guilty of voluntary manslaughter. He was sentenced to nine years in prison. On February 6, 2012, Thomas Smith’s conviction was affirmed on appeal.
Source: The People v. Thomas Crenshaw Smith, Court of Appeal of California, Fifth Appellate District, February 6, 2012; “Father convicted of voluntary manslaughter in death of son,” Bakersfield Californian, July 22, 2010.