
The following vignettes describe the circumstances for killings not ruled self-defense by private individuals with permits to carry concealed handguns. The incidents below all occurred in Minnesota. The descriptions include the current, known status of any charges filed against the concealed carry killer as reported by news sources as well as noting instances where the perpetrator committed suicide.

The Violence Policy Center welcomes any new information regarding the status of any case (with verifiable source(s)). Use this link to contact the VPC: http://www.vpc.org/contact.htm.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Misti Dawn Nelson  PENDING

Date: December 30, 2023
People Killed: 1

On December 30, 2023, concealed carry permit holder Misti Dawn Nelson, 27, allegedly shot and killed Kenneth Maurice Johnson, 40, following a brawl at Mr. Santana, a popular late-night deli. Witnesses told police that five customers, including Nelson, were waiting to buy food when Johnson entered with two women who started a fight with a male customer. Surveillance footage showed the manager, who is also Nelson’s sister, walk into the crowd as people were shoving one another inside the small store. Nelson pulled a handgun from her waistband and began hitting one of the women who had started the brawl in the head. Johnson, who had been outside the store, re-entered and pushed Nelson backward while one of his female friends punched Nelson in the face. Nelson was pushed out of the shop, but as the brawl continued she opened the door before allegedly firing a shot into the crowd. Johnson exited the shop and was shot a second time. Johnson collapsed on the street and was taken to the hospital where he died. Nelson turned herself in about eight hours later, and admitted to shooting Johnson, telling police she “aimed at his torso like she was ‘trained’ in the permit to carry class.” Nelson claimed she fired because she feared for her sister’s safety and that Johnson was “bigger than her.” In 2018 Nelson pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor count and served one year of probation in an animal cruelty case stemming from the discovery of 46 cats and dogs in the house she shared with her mother. The animals were in such poor condition that 33 of them had to be euthanized. Nelson was charged with second degree murder.

Source: “27-year-old woman charged with murder in weekend shooting at Marcy-Holmes deli,” startribune.com, January 4, 2024.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Michael Dillon Price  PENDING

Date: April 23, 2023
People Killed: 1

On April 23, 2023, concealed handgun permit holder Michael Dillon Price, 31, allegedly shot and killed his neighbor Amy Cathleen Theis, 47. Theis was found dead with a gunshot wound to the head outside her home on the morning of April 24. Price arrived at the scene that morning and was detained by officers as he appeared intoxicated and made statements that led them to believe he was involved in the shooting. Investigators obtained a warrant to search the homes of Price and Theis. Inside Theis’ home they found 9mm pistol rounds, observed a bullet hole in the wall of the living room, and saw broken glass from her front storm door. Inside Price’s home they found ammunition matching the caliber and brand found in Theis’ home. Price is alleged to own a Glock 19 pistol and a case for the gun was found in his home, but the handgun was not present. Police also found broken glass that appeared to have come from Theis’ storm door near the entrance to Price’s garage and in his home. Surveillance footage captured what is believed to be the sound of a gunshot, followed minutes later by a black car matching the description of Price’s speeding away from the scene before returning an hour later. According to court documents, Price’s roommate told investigators that Price has “a problem with alcohol” and also uses marijuana and cocaine. Price was charged with first degree intentional homicide.

Source: “Man charged with murder after woman found shot in the head in River Falls,” kstp.com, April 26, 2023.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Name Not Provided  CONVICTED

Date: 2022
People Killed: 5

Between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety reported that among the reported convictions of individuals with permits to carry were five homicide offenses, which consist of murder and non-negligent manslaughter, negligent manslaughter, assisting suicide, and criminal vehicular homicide.

Source: 2022 Permit to Carry Report, State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, March 1, 2023.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Name Not Provided  CONVICTED

Date: 2021
People Killed: 11

Between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety reported that among the reported convictions of individuals with permits to carry were 11 homicide offenses, which consist of murder and non-negligent manslaughter, negligent manslaughter, assisting suicide, or criminal vehicular homicide.

Source: 2021 Permit to Carry Report, State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, March 1, 2022.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Brandon Kron  CONVICTED

Date: August 24, 2020
People Killed: 1

On August 24, 2020, concealed handgun permit holder Brandon Kron, 22, was allegedly involved in the shooting death of Charles Ray Mosby Jr., 22, outside a strip mall in Columbia Heights, Minnesota. After reviewing surveillance video, officers say several men including Kron, Dominic Sampson, 19, and Cashmere Smith, 21, were loitering around the area of the Totem Superette. According to police, Smith grabbed a gun from a nearby vehicle and gave it to Kron, who then later gave it back to Smith. Mosby arrived on the scene around 10:15 PM, and according to police the men were “quite amicable” at that time. Ten minutes later, video allegedly shows Kron hand a gun to Sampson, who put the gun in his pocket. Despite no apparent conflict on the surveillance video, when Mosby turned to leave the area at 10:33 PM, Sampson allegedly pulled a gun from his pocket and shot Mosby in the back several times at close range. Kron fled the scene in a vehicle by himself while Smith and Sampson went together in a separate vehicle. On August 25, Kron was apprehended by police. He admitted knowing all the suspects in the case and told police they were all present and that guns were present at the time of the shooting but denied any knowledge of the shooting. Smith and Sampson remain at large and warrants have been issued for their arrest. Kron was charged with aiding and abetting second degree murder.

UPDATE: On September 22, 2021, Brandon Kron pleaded guilty to the felony charge of aiding an offender in the shooting death of Charles Ray Mosby. In December 2021, Kron was sentenced to 41 months in prison.

Source: “Columbia Heights man gets prison for aiding offender, murder charge dismissed,” hometownsource.com, December 9, 2021; “3 charged in Columbia Heights fatal shooting of 22-year-old man; 2 at large and considered public safety, flight risk,” kstp.com, August 27, 2020.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Anthony J. Trifiletti  CONVICTED

Date: May 1, 2020
People Killed: 1

On May 1, 2020, concealed handgun permit holder Anthony J. Trifiletti, 24, allegedly shot and killed Douglas C. Lewis, 39, following a minor traffic accident. Trifiletti told investigators that a silver Ford bumped his pickup truck from behind so he and Lewis both pulled their vehicles onto Burns Avenue. After exchanging insurance information, Trifiletti claimed that the conversation escalated to shouting, with Trifiletti claiming that he heard Lewis say, “I’m GD,” which Trifiletti interpreted as an assertion of gang membership. Both men returned to their vehicles and pulled away. Trifiletti claimed he “unintentionally” followed Lewis who stopped his car and got out. When Lewis advanced toward him, Trifiletti allegedly fired four times from approximately 10 feet away. Trifiletti claimed that he acted in self-defense, claiming that he feared for his life and that Lewis was reaching under his shirt for a weapon. A young couple who witnessed both the argument and the shooting never reported hearing a reference to GD and said Lewis did not appear to have a weapon. The couple provided first aid to Lewis as Trifiletti fled the scene in his pickup truck. Trifiletti returned minutes later and surrendered to police. Investigators asked Trifiletti if he could have simply driven away to avoid the shooting but Trifiletti claimed that he “didn’t think that was an option” because a car was preventing him from backing out, and Lewis was so close to him. Trifiletti was previously convicted of DWI but had no record of violent offenses. Trifiletti was charged with second-degree murder.

UPDATE: On March 8, 2021, a mistrial was declared in the trial of Anthony Trifiletti when the jury could not reach a verdict. On March 15, 2021, the Ramsey County Attorney’s Office announced Trifiletti would be re-tried for second degree murder. In April 2021, Trifiletti was found guilty of second degree murder in the death of Douglas Lewis. On June 2, 2021, Trifiletti was sentenced to 12 and a half years in prison.

Source: “Man sentenced to 12.5 years in prison for deadly St. Paul road rage shooting,” fox9news.com, June 2, 2021; “After mistrial, county to retry Anthony Trifiletti for deadly St. Paul fender bender shooting,” minnesota.cbslocal.com, March 15, 2021; “A Ramsey County case is declared a mistrial, what that means going forward,” kstp.com, March 10, 2021; “Murder charges: Shooter with permit fired at unarmed man after fender bender,” startribune.com, May 4, 2020.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Ts’John T. Reed  CONVICTED

Date: May 1, 2020
People Killed: 1

On May 1, 2020, concealed handgun permit holder Ts’John T. Reed, 22, allegedly shot and killed Darius K. Van, 28, following an altercation inside the Mini Pac market at a gas station in St. Paul. According to witnesses, the incident began when Van attempted to reclaim his place in line after stepping away. Reed became angry and the two men exchanged words before bumping into one another. Surveillance footage showed Reed pulling a handgun from his jacket and pointing it at Van. Reed reportedly threatened Van, saying, “These bullets work. I’ll be out by the time I’m 40. I’ll kill you. I don’t give a (expletive).” A witness reported Van saying to Reed, “You think you’re tough because you have two guns? Why don’t you drop the guns and take it outside?” A store clerk reported that Reed had a gun in each hand and heard him threaten to shoot Van and “kill everyone in the store.” Van momentarily left the market, and as he re-entered Reed allegedly shot him. Reed fled the scene, before later turning himself in to police. Reed admitted that he “lost control” during the incident, but claimed that he feared that his life was in danger as Van advanced toward him. Reed was charged with two counts of second-degree murder.

UPDATE: In June 2021, Ts’John T. Reed pleaded guilty to second degree unintentional murder in the death of Darius K. Van. In November 2021, Reed was sentenced to 15 years in prison. In a court filing prior to sentencing, prosecutors noted, “Despite Reed having his permit to carry having taken a class on firearms handling, including conflict avoidance and de-escalation, he completely disregarded his training. Reed was arrogant and reckless in the care required to handle a firearm and Van lost his life because of it and put many more lives in potential jeopardy.”

Source: “15-year term for man who fatally shot fellow St. Paul gas station patron,” startribune.com, November 2, 2021; “Charges: Dispute at St. Paul gas station leads to fatal shooting,” startribune.com, May 5, 2020; “St. Paul police: Murder suspects had permits to carry guns,” mprnews.com, May 4, 2020.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Name Not Provided  CONVICTED

Date: 2020
People Killed: 6

Between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety reported that among the reported convictions of individuals with permits to carry were six homicide offenses, which consist of murder and non-negligent manslaughter, negligent manslaughter, assisting suicide, or criminal vehicular homicide.

Source: 2020 Permit to Carry Report, State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, March 1, 2021.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Justin M. Girling  CONVICTED

Date: January 31, 2018
People Killed: 1

On January 31, 2018, concealed handgun permit holder Justin M. Girling, 32, allegedly shot and killed his half-brother, Kurt R. Schmeck, 47, after Schmeck woke him up. Schmeck and his mother had fought earlier in the day because Schmeck was upset she was baking cookies. He left the house to buy chickpeas at the grocery store, and was complaining to his mother about the service he had received at the store when Girling came downstairs to complain about the noise they were making. Schmeck walked towards Girling, who shot him with a handgun from approximately six feet away. When Schmeck tried to get up, Girling shot him two more times. The half-brothers apparently hated one another, according to their mother. Police said there was no sign of a struggle, and that the home was tidy and “smelled of freshly baked chocolate chip and walnut cookies which were on the counter and still in the oven.” Girling has been charged with second-degree murder with intent.

UPDATE: In June 2018, Justin Girling pleaded guilty to second degree murder with intent for the killing of Kurt Schmeck. On November 29, 2018, Girling was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Source: “St. Paul man gets 15 years in prison for killing brother in the family home,” startribune.com, November 30, 2018; “Feuding brothers led to St. Paul murder, charges say” www.startribune.com, February 2, 2018.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Name Not Provided  CONVICTED

Date: 2018
People Killed: 5

Between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2018, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety reported that among the reported convictions of individuals with permits to carry were five homicide offenses, which consist of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, negligent manslaughter, assisting suicide, or criminal vehicular homicide.

Source: 2018 Permit to Carry Report, State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, March 1, 2019.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: David Krauss  SUICIDE

Date: March 30, 2017
People Killed: 1

On March 30, 2017, concealed handgun permit holder David Krauss, 29, shot his son Wyatt Krauss, eight, in the head with a 9mm handgun before turning the gun on himself in an attempted murder-suicide at their home in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. David Krauss’s mother went to the house after attempting to contact him earlier in the day and found the door unlocked. After entering, she found David and Wyatt in Wyatt’s bedroom. David was dead from a gunshot wound to the head, but Wyatt was still breathing. He was taken to a hospital in Duluth in critical condition. The handgun Krauss used was found at the scene and had been purchased on March 22, 2017.

Source: “Child critically injured in attempted murder-suicide,” www.grandrapidsmn.com, April 1, 2017.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Name Not Provided  CONVICTED

Date: 2017
People Killed: 9

Between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety reported that among the reported convictions of individuals with permits to carry were nine homicide offenses, which consist of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, negligent manslaughter, assisting suicide, or criminal vehicular homicide.

Source: 2017 Permit to Carry Report, State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, March 1, 2018.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Stephen Carl Allwine  CONVICTED

Date: November 13, 2016
People Killed: 1

On November 13, 2016, Amy Louise Allwine, 43, wife of concealed handgun permit holder Stephen Carl Allwine, 43, was found dead in their home from a gunshot wound to the head, a 9mm Springfield XDS pistol near her body. According to police, Stephen Allwine allegedly had been attempting to hire a hitman to kill his wife through the untraceable “dark web” since Valentine’s Day, 2016. After this effort failed, Allwine obtained a concealed handgun permit on August 10, 2016 and bought the 9mm pistol that would later be used to kill the victim. He also reportedly used the dark web to inquire about the drug scopolamine, known as a “mind control” drug. The victim was found to have had 45 times the normal prescribed amount of scopolamine in her body when she died, and did not have a prescription for the drug. Stephen Allwine also allegedly sent his wife two anonymous emails urging her to kill herself for the sake of her family. Police reported that the evidence was not consistent with a suicide, including the absence of gunpowder on the victim’s hands. According to statements made by the couple’s nine-year-old son, who discovered the body, when he asked his father why his mother was sleeping on the floor, Allwine replied, “She’s probably dead.” Allwine has been charged with second-degree murder.

UPDATE: On January 31, 2018, Stephen Allwine was found guilty of first degree murder in the death of Amy Louise Allwine. On February 2, 2018, Stephen Allwine was sentenced to life in prison.

Source: “Allwine receives life sentence for killing wife, staging suicide,” rosemounttownpages.com, February 2, 2018; “Stephen Allwine found guilty of killing his wife, staging death as suicide,” startribune.com, January 31, 2018; “Cottage Grove husband set up her death as suicide after failed hit, police say,” www.twincities.com, January 18, 2017.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: David M. Easter  CONVICTED

Date: August 23, 2016
People Killed: 1

On August 23, 2016, concealed handgun permit holder David M. Easter, 26, allegedly shot and killed an unidentified man at Myre-Big Island State Park in southern Minnesota. Easter is a private in the Minnesota National Guard. Easter’s wife Karla and their infant daughter were nearby at the time of the shooting. According to Karla Easter, her husband confronted the victim who was in his car and the two men exchanged words. Karla heard the victim tell her husband to stop shining a light at him. She then heard gunshots and saw that the man in the car was wounded. David Easter called 911 to report the shooting and surrendered peacefully when officers arrived, turning over his 45 caliber pistol. According to Sheriff Kurt Freitag, Easter claimed that the man had come at him with a baseball bat. But the sheriff noted there was no evidence to support this claim, as Easter was outside the car and allegedly fired twice through the closed driver’s side window. A positive ID on the victim was complicated due to his being shot in the face. Easter had a valid concealed carry permit from Nebraska, but Minnesota does not have a reciprocity agreement with Nebraska. Easter was charged with second degree murder.

UPDATE: On April 13, 2017, a jury found David M. Easter guilty of second-degree murder in the death of Spencer Daniel Brown. Easter was also found guilty of gross misdemeanor carrying or possessing a pistol without a permit in a public place. Easter had a Nebraska concealed weapons permit but did not have a valid Minnesota permit.

UPDATE: On September 15, 2017, Easter was sentenced to more than 25 years in prison for fatally shooting Spencer Brown. With credit for time already served, Easter will serve the first 16 and three quarters years in prison with the balance served on supervised release.

Source: “25-year term for gunman who killed man sitting in car in state park near Albert Lea,” Minneapolis Star-Tribune, September 18, 2017; “Jury finds Easter guilty of 2nd-degree murder, gun violation,” www.albertleatribune.com, April 13, 2017; “Gunman charged in shooting death in Minn. state park is in National Guard,” Minneapolis Star Tribune, August 25, 2016.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Name Not Provided  CONVICTED

Date: 2016
People Killed: 1

Between January 1, 2016 and December 31, 2016, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety reported that among the reported convictions of individuals with permits was one homicide offense, which consist of murder and non-negligent manslaughter, negligent manslaughter, assisting suicide, or criminal vehicular homicide.

Source: 2016 Permit to Carry Report, State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, March 1, 2017.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Kirk Lee Bigby  CONVICTED

Date: December 10, 2015
People Killed: 1

On December 10, 2015, concealed handgun permit holder Kirk Lee Bigby, 61, allegedly shot and killed Marcus Lee Roberts, 35, with a .45 handgun at the Bluefin Bay resort in Tofte, MN.  A witness reported seeing Bigby, who was known as “Kirk the firewood guy,” pull out a gun and shoot Roberts.  Roberts was a blackjack dealer working a holiday party at the resort.  Authorities have not released information on what may have motivated the shooting, reporting only that Bigby “came into physical contact” with Roberts, and shot him with a handgun.  Bigby was charged with second degree murder and faces up to 40 years in prison if convicted.

UPDATE: On May 26, 2017, Kirk Lee Bigby pleaded guilty to unintentional second degree murder in the death of Marcus Lee Roberts. On August 9, 2017, Bigby was sentenced to 12 ½ years in prison, including a mandatory 100 months in prison with the possibility of 50 months on supervised release.

Source: “Bluefin shooter sentenced to more than 12 years on murder charge,” wtip.org, August 9, 2017; “Suspect pleads guilty in North Shore homicide,” Duluth News-Tribune, May 26, 2017; “Charges: Man Shot, Killed During Holiday Party At North Shore Resort,” minnesota.cbslocal.com, December 14, 2015; “Employee charged in murder of Twin Cities man outside North Shore resort,” startribune.com, December 12, 2015.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Lepierre Carpenter  CONVICTED

Date: August 3, 2015
People Killed: 1

On August 3, 2015, concealed handgun permit holder Lepierre Carpenter, 24, allegedly shot and killed Parnell Robinson, 26, outside the apartment complex where he lived. Carpenter’s sister told police that Carpenter and Robinson had been arguing about drugs on Facebook for the past few months. According to news reports, on the day of the shooting, Robinson saw a male friend pass by and yelled, “Where your fat — going?” and teased the friend for letting his girlfriend make him walk to the store, even though he had a car. Shots were fired and Robinson fell to the ground. When Robinson’s girlfriend asked Carpenter why he allegedly shot, he replied, “That’s what he gets for talking —-.” When police arrived, Carpenter put his hands on his head and said, “it’s me….I let my rage get the best of me.” He also reportedly asked police, “How much time do you think I’m looking at for something like this?” According to the medical examiner, Robinson was shot twice with one bullet going through his heart, and the other striking his neck and ending up at the base of his skull. Carpenter was arrested and charged with second degree murder.

UPDATE: In November 2015, Lepierre Carpenter pleaded guilty to second degree murder in the death of Parnell Robinson. On January 15, 2016, Carpenter was sentenced to 25 ½ years in prison with credit for 166 days served.

Source: “St. Paul man sentenced to 25 years for fatally shooting neighbor,” kstp.com, January 15, 2016; “Charge: St. Paul killer says rage prompted him to fatally shoot man in back,” Minneapolis Star-Tribune, August 5, 2015.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Name Not Provided  CONVICTED

Date: 2015
People Killed: 1

Between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety reported that among the reported convictions of individuals with permits was one homicide offense, which consist of murder and non-negligent manslaughter, negligent manslaughter, assisting suicide, or criminal vehicular homicide.

Source: 2015 Permit to Carry Report, State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, February 26, 2016.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Name Not Provided  CONVICTED

Date: 2014
People Killed: 3

Between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety reported that among the reported convictions of individuals with permits were three homicide offenses, which consist of murder and non-negligent manslaughter, negligent manslaughter, assisting suicide, or criminal vehicular homicide.

Source: 2014 Permit to Carry Report, State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, March 1, 2015.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Ted Hoffstrom  SHOT AND KILLED BY POLICE

Date: November 15, 2013
People Killed: 2 (including shooter)

On November 15, 2013, concealed handgun permit holder Ted Hoffstrom, 30, traveled to the home of Dr. Stephen Larson, 74, where, after a brief argument, he shot and killed the doctor. Fourteen minutes later Hoffstrom was shot and killed by police. Hoffstrom, who worked at a liquor store, had attained a law degree, and just passed the bar, had been born with his hands and feet attached to his body. They had to be surgically detached, resulting in ongoing medical issues, including occasionally walking with a limp. Hoffstrom blamed Larson, who had been his mother’s physician, for his birth defects. According to news reports, Hoffstrom had recently obtained a concealed handgun permit and then purchased the handgun used to kill Larson.

Source: “Orono shooting suspected blamed OB/GYN for birth defect, friends say,” www.myfoxtwincities.com, November 20, 2013.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Name Not Provided  CONVICTED

Date: 2013
People Killed: 1

Between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety reported that among the reported convictions of individuals with permits was one Homicide Offense – Murder and Non-negligent Manslaughter, Negligent Manslaughter, Assisting Suicide, or Criminal Vehicular Homicide.

Source: 2013 Permit to Carry Report, State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, March 1, 2014.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Kao Xiong  CONVICTED

Date: December 5, 2012
People Killed: 1

On December 5, 2012, a four-year-old boy unintentionally shot and killed his two-year-old brother while playing with their father’s handgun. The boys’ father Kao Xiong, 31, had a concealed handgun permit and was at home at the time of the shooting. According to police, Xiong had eight guns in the family’s two bedroom home at the time of the shooting. The gun used in the shooting was stashed between the bed and the mattress in Xiong’s bedroom. Xiong was charged with second degree manslaughter and child endangerment, with a trial date set for May 20, 2013.

UPDATE: In May 2013, Kao Xiong was convicted of manslaughter and child endangerment. On June 27, 2013, Xiong was sentenced to probation and time served, and was ordered to spend 100 hours talking to the Hmong community about gun safety. Sentencing guidelines called for a four-year prison term, but the Hennepin County Attorney and the judge in the case agreed that Xiong had taken responsibility for his son’s death.

Source: “No prison for Kao Xiong, dad whose unsecured gun was used by 4-year-old to kill brother, 2,” citypages.com, June 27, 2013; “Father of Minneapolis toddler killed in accidental shooting will stand trial,” Minneapolis Star-Tribune, March 19, 2013; “Toddler shot to death by brother at Minneapolis home,” Minneapolis Star-Tribune, December 5, 2012.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Andrew Engeldinger  SUICIDE

Date: September 27, 2012
People Killed: 7 (including shooter)

On September 27, 2012, concealed handgun permit holder Andrew Engeldinger, 36, armed with a 9mm semiautomatic Glock pistol, shot and killed six people and wounded two at Accent Signage Systems in Minneapolis before taking his own life. At the end of the workday, Engeldinger was informed by two of the company’s managers that he was losing his job. Engeldinger replied, “Oh really,” and pulled his holstered pistol and shot the two men, fatally wounding one and injuring the other. He then proceeded through the workplace, fatally shooting three additional co-workers, some of whom were trying to help other victims, as well as a United Parcel Service delivery man. He then shot another co-worker, who later died in hospital from his wounds. Engeldinger was later found by authorities in the basement of the business, dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound from the Glock pistol. Witnesses described Engeldinger as calm during the mass shooting, stating that he didn’t “appear to be moving fast but walking and moving in a normal manner.” Engeldinger had reportedly struggled with mental illness for years. He had purchased his handgun legally in October 2011 from KGS Guns and Ammo in Minneapolis for “around $620.”

Source: “Sixth victim in shooting rampage dies,” MPRnews, October 11, 2012; “Andrew Engeldinger, Minnesota Gunman, Said ‘Oh Really’ Before He Started Shooting,” Associated Press, October 6, 2012; “Minneapolis office shooting suspect: Who was Andrew Engeldinger?,” www.myfoxtwincities.com, September 28, 2012.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Name Not Provided  CONVICTED

Date: 2012
People Killed: 1

Between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety reported that among the reported crimes committed by individuals with permits was one “Murder/Manslaughter.”

Source: 2012 Permit to Carry Report, State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, March 1, 2013.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Brock McCarthy  SUICIDE

Date: June 30, 2010
People Killed: 1

On June 30, 2010, concealed handgun permit holder Brock McCarthy, 33, was found by his wife in their home dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Brock had recently pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a pre-teen girl multiple times in 2005. McCarthy had admitted to having at least half a dozen sexual encounters with the girl and told police that he had been sexually abused as a child and could not protect his victim from himself. On June 23, 2010, McCarthy pleaded guilty to first-degree criminal sexual conduct. As part of a plea agreement, a charge of second-degree criminal sexual conduct was to be dismissed. Brock was to be sentenced on August 18, 2010. According to the criminal complaint, police took extra precautions in finding and detaining McCarthy because he was known to have one or more handguns and a permit to carry.

Source: “Duluth sexual assault suspect commits suicide,” ParkRapidsEnterprise.com, July 2, 2010.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Michelle Rae Wilson  CONVICTED

Date: January 13, 2008
People Killed: 1

On January 13, 2008, Michelle Rae Wilson shot and killed Carl Jackson during an argument over their past relationship. That evening Jackson called 911 from Wilson’s home and told the operator that his ex-girlfriend was “beating him upside his head” and that he was trying not to hit her and trying to get out of the house. The sound of a woman yelling in the background could be heard over the phone. Then gunshots were heard and the line went dead. Wilson had fired six shots from a Glock pistol, three of them hitting Jackson in the forehead, shoulder, and chest. The handgun had been given to Wilson by her nephew, a police officer, for self-protection. Wilson, who had a concealed handgun permit, was charged with second degree murder. In court, Wilson claimed that Jackson had assaulted her and that she had fired her handgun in self-defense. Wilson was convicted in December 2009.

Source: “Wilson is found guilty of killing ex-boyfriend,” StarTribune.com, December 17, 2009; “St. Paul killer testifies she was defending herself,” StarTribune.com, December 15, 2009; “St. Paul woman on trial in ex-boyfriend’s fatal shooting,” St. Paul Pioneer Press, December 7, 2009; “The Smoking Gun: a Killing in St. Paul,” Windypundit.com, August 6, 2009.

Concealed Handgun Permit Holder: Name Not Provided  CONVICTED

Date: 2008
People Killed: 1

On March 1, 2009, the State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, reported in its 2008 Permit to Carry Report that among the “Reported Crimes Committed By Permit Holders” was one Murder/Manslaughter.

Source: 2008 Permit to Carry Report, State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, March 1, 2009.