Total People Killed By Concealed Carry Killers

The Concealed Carry Killers database includes hundreds of killings not ruled self-defense by private individuals with permits to carry concealed handguns. Descriptions of the incidents include the current, known status of any charges filed against the concealed carry killer as reported by news sources as well as noting instances where the perpetrator committed suicide.

A list of incidents from May 2007 to the present is available as a PDF. Due to the size of this file, it is not available in HTML format. Please view the state-by-state table to find a list of concealed carry killers broken out by state in HTML format.

You can also view reports on Mass Shootings Committed by Concealed Carry Killers; Murder-Suicides Committed by Concealed Carry Killers; and Law Enforcement Officers Killed by Concealed Carry Killers. These reports are available in both HTML and PDF formats.